Leadership Institute

The New York Public Transit Association (NYPTA) Public Transit Leadership Institute (PTLI) is a six-part, year-long series is an in-depth professional development opportunity for mid- to senior-level managers aspiring to advance their careers as senior and executive level public transit professionals.

The curriculum, under the instruction and mentoring of experienced transit industry executives and other leaders, provides training in core areas of transit and leadership for professional development and career expansion.

Apply to participate in the Class of 2024-25 Here

Download Course Brochure


  • Develop the awareness, skills and insight necessary to excel as a leader in the public transit industry.
  • Gain first-hand knowledge of the opportunities and challenges facing transit systems of all sizes.
  • Grow a network of industry leaders poised to support one another in reaching professional goals. 
  • Challenge traditional ways of thinking and engage participants in broader conversations about public transportation, mobility and community revitalization. 
  • Participate in projects and group discussions that foster a broader understanding of diverse perspectives and attitudes. 
  • Personal identification of skills and areas of targeted professional growth. 
  • Connect participants with transit executives and leaders in the public transportation industry and build mentor relationships. 
  • Engage participants’ active involvement in the New York Public Transit Association to foster learning, the ongoing exchange of information and innovation, and the introduction to pathways to leadership.

Program Highlights

  • Review of Individual and Group Styles and Natural Attributes 
  • Johari Window – shrinking your blind spot 
  • Self-awareness - Static vs Dynamic 
  • Emotional vs Logical Decision Making
  • Ingredients for progress in life and business 
  • Setting your organization/team up for success 
  • Separating cause and effect 
  • Strategic Perspective & Horizon 
  • Strategic Planning 
  • Setting your table – Preparing your mind for success 
  • Strategy and People Leadership 
  • Organizational DNA o Motivation vs Inspiration 
  • Developing Generational & Cultural Awareness 
  • Strategic Change Leadership 
  • Creating Strategic Focus – Choice Management 
  • The Strategic Funnel 
  • Symptom Exclusion 
  • The Eisenhower Matrix 
  • The Value Quadrant

Leadership Project

The PTLI class will complete a project which will demonstrate leadership skills, address issues in the field, and contribute to the transit industry. Projects guidelines are as follows:

  • Identification of an opportunity or issue within public transit and acquisition of NYPTA approval to pursue the project
  • Development of a strategy to define and analyze the opportunity or issue
  • Engagement of internal and external resources to develop potential tactics
  • Selection of a preferred course of action and submission to NYPTA
  • Presentation of the project at the 2025 NYPTA Annual Conference

Anticipated Outcomes

PTLI participants will gain the following outcomes:

  • An inside look at five diverse transit authorities around New York State
  • Self-awareness in terms of leadership strengths, weaknesses and capacity
  • A greater network of transit professionals throughout New York State and beyond
  • A deeper understanding of the business of transit, its future, strategic planning and
    asset management


Graduates will be recognized during the 2025 NYPTA Annual Conference for their completion of PTLI. They will be presented a plaque noting their commitment to the transit industry and their professional development. All graduates will be listed on the New York Public Transit Association website.

Apply to participate in the Class of 2024-25 Here